Simple Pet Relief

a safe and easy alternative for our loved ones, when they need it most. 

As we get to know more about the effects of CBD for mankind, we find ourselves naturally asking: Could CBD help our canine companions? Scientifically, dogs (and most mammals) have a similar anatomy to humans. Studies in the last decade have shown that the endocannabinoid system can be found in most mammals. Considering that CBD works directly with this nervous system, we can confidently conclude that CBD will have some sort of influence on our dogs. But how?


Early research and anecdotal testimonials show that CBD can help pets in many different ways.

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In more general terms, feedback from pet owners show that CBD can be used to soothe your dogs. Some particular examples from our customers cite positive benefits from “separation anxiety, thunderstorm fears, social anxiety, and long-distance traveling.”

One of the biggest use cases that our customers are coming to find are with joint pains that dogs tend to suffer as they get older. Hemp CBD has been found “useful in relieving acute ailments like sprains and strains, torn ligaments, bone breaks, and even during post-operative care to reduce swelling, pain, and stiffness.”

More than anything, the most promising aspects of using CBD is the idea that it could help your dog get off synthetic drugs, which typically have many short and long-term side effects. Even if it can’t fully replace the conventional drugs, hemp oil could possibly help you lower the doses that the dog has to take.

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5 ct. 5mg CBD Dog Treats

Delicious all natural, human grade, treats for the family friend. 5 ct

Baked w love using only pure, natural ingredients. Pumpkin, Peanut butter, Whole grain oats and Full spectrum hemp oil, tested for quality and purity

 Simply pure, naturally effective. 

5mg CBD Dog Treats 2lb
Sale Price:$80.00 Original Price:$88.00

Delicious all natural, human grade, treats for the family friend. 160 ct

Baked w love using only pure, natural ingredients. Pumpkin, Peanut butter, Whole grain oats and Full spectrum hemp oil, tested for quality and purity

 Simply pure, naturally effective. 

5mg CBD Dog Treats 1/2 lb
Sale Price:$30.00 Original Price:$33.00

Delicious all natural, human grade, treats for the family friend. 40 ct

Baked w love using only pure, natural ingredients. Pumpkin, Peanut butter, Whole grain oats and Full spectrum hemp oil, tested for quality and purity

 Simply pure, naturally effective. 


The most widely known method of administering CBD oil to your pets is through tinctures. Using the tincture, you can put a few drops of CBD into dog’s mouth directly. However, since that could get messy quite quickly, you could just drop the oil into the dog’s food or treats.


Since hemp CBD is now legally sold in all 50 states, you can find many brands selling CBD products meant for pets online. It’s important to note that Hemp CBD is different from Cannabis CBD. Simple CBD’s Hemp products contain no THC and is therefore completely non-psychoactive. Cannabis CBD typically has a mix of CBD and THC, which makes it psychoactive. Cannabis CBD can only be found in licensed dispensaries in states that have legalized marijuana. (Giving your dog THC could potentially have negative side effects, including marijuana poisoning.)

When it comes to dosage, figuring out the right amount to give your dog can be the hard. Dosing recommendations can be difficult to come by for humans as well. The general advice is that it will take trial and error before you find the appropriate dose that works for you (or your dog). Start at a small dosage and gradually increase depending on the effects (or reactions) you see from your pet.

One thing to remember is that once you give your dog a dose, it may take a couple hours before you notice any effects from your dog. If you believe your dog is not feeling any effects after a few hours, increase the dosage slightly later in the day or wait until the next day to try a slightly higher dose.